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除了提供個人護理產品給世界各地的前線工作者,Éminence Organic Skin Care 源美肌有機護膚品製造了50,000支政府認可的消毒潔手液,捐助醫院、醫療機構和不可缺少的工作人員,盡我們的本分去對抗新型冠狀病毒COVID-19。

由水療專業提名,Eminence被國際水療協會(International Spa Association)認可為行業領導者。在主動捐助給前線和必須工作人員的工作下,贏得博愛類別的2021 ISPA Innovate Award獎項。

自2020年3月起,Eminence已經捐助超過100間醫院、醫療機構和社區組織。Eminence曾經支援個人護理產品和/或消毒潔手液,給以下其中一些位於北美洲、英國和荷蘭的機構 :

  • Vancouver Coastal Health in Vancouver, BC
  • Ronald McDonald House BC & Yukon
  • Toronto General Hospital in Toronto, ON
  • LAC+USC Medical Center in Los Angeles, CA
  • New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center in New York City, NY
  • Memorial Hospital in South Bend, IN
  • Providence Portland Hospital in Portland, OR
  • Grandview Medical Center in Birmingham, AL
  • Local hospitals in the United Kingdom and Netherlands

Eminence Organics源美肌很榮幸可以提供以下產品:


Leslie Diep, ICU RN at Desert Springs Hospital:

"Thank you so much for supporting health care workers and Desert Springs Hospital Intensive Care Unit (ICU). [The hospital] was hit hard with COVID-19 patients in the middle of March.... Our nurses are challenged every day, scared for their lives and their family’s lives, stressed, and work tirelessly. Some days we are so busy we cannot take a lunch, or our lunch is cut short… to save [patients]... It has been so emotionally and physically hard that some nurses go home crying.

Nonetheless, some would say we are heroes because we are on the frontlines, but YOU ARE our heroes for taking care of us. You have provided us with amazing… cream for all of us to use on our dry, tired faces after a long shift. We are all so honored to have received your donation. Thank you for reminding us how amazing this community is by coming together during these unprecedented times."

Jacqui Davies, ER Nurse at Rockyview General Hospital:

"I wanted to send an email on behalf of the Rockyview General Hospital emergency room staff for the beyond exceptional donations of night cream and hand sanitizers that were provided to us. I can’t tell you how much we appreciated the generosity of Eminence."

Sarah Greene, Major Gifts Officer at First Responders Children’s Foundation:

"On behalf of First Responders Children’s Foundation, I want to express our heartfelt appreciation for the generous donation from Eminence Organic Skin Care... During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Foundation is meeting the needs of first responders on the front lines who are risking their own health in service to others.

Donations have an immediate, positive, and powerful impact on first responders and the children of those who make sacrifices in service to their fellow citizens. On behalf of everyone at First Responders Children’s Foundation, thank you. We are deeply grateful."

Karen Tsao, Co-Founder of DonatePPE.org:

"It is truly a difficult time for every essential and frontline worker, and we have been working endlessly to help and support those in our community who are in need of protective equipment, as it’s been challenging with all the shortages throughout the world.

We are tremendously grateful for Eminence Organics and thank them for the generous contribution of hand sanitizers, which we were able to distribute to more than 19 health organizations, and support communities throughout the United States who need it most."


我們的「給未來的森林」計劃,與非牟利機構  Trees for the Future合作,幫助培訓發展中國家的農民,如何建造可生產和持續性的森林花園。我們每售出一件產品便會種植一棵樹,讓這些在鄉村的森林花園持續發展,賦權當地居民去重建環境、生產自己的食物和建造一個可持續的收入和將來,給他們、他們的家庭和他們的社區。跨越了種植1700萬棵樹的里程碑,Eminence源美肌很自豪地可以繼續參與這些森林花園計劃的發展。


查看更多關於 「給未來的森林」



查看更多關於 源美肌兒童基金會


癌症研究一向都緊貼着我們的心,因為我們的主席 Boldijarre Koronczay,是一位兒時患有白血病的生還者。

Eminence源美肌是一個乳癌研究的支持者,自2007年起,我們已經捐獻了數以十萬計加拿大元支持研究工作。每售出一個  Sweet Red Rose Whip Moisturizer 甜紅玫瑰舒緩面霜 ,我們便會捐出$5加拿大元給加拿大乳癌基金。我們的團隊成員每年也會參加 Annual Canadian Cancer Society Run for the Cure,除了2020年因新型冠狀病毒COVID-19而避免了大型活動。

我們也有恆常捐獻給加拿大癌症協會(Canadian Cancer Society)和一些在北美國家的兒童健康基金,透過善款和贈送產品給各種籌款活動。

